Why Work With an Eldercare Consultant?
Would you go to court without an attorney? Into surgery without a good surgeon? Purchase a home without a realtor? Exploring the vast world of long term care and senior housing options can be equally overwhelming. The right Eldercare Consultant can educate, guide, protect, and simplify your search - providing you with the right options for you or your loved one’s unique needs.
In Washington State Eldercare Consultants may be called by many names: Eldercare Consultant, Senior Advisor, Referral Agent, and Placement Agent are a few. Reputable agents understand their responsibilities and legal requirements under Washington State’s Elder and Vulnerable Adult Referral Agency Act RCW 18.330.
A qualified Eldercare Consultant can answer questions such as:
ï‚· What’s the difference between an assisted living and an adult family home?
ï‚· What types of rehabilitations services are available? What does “short-term rehab” mean?
ï‚· What is “respite”?
ï‚· What types of care and how much care can be provided at home?
ï‚· What is the difference between Medicare and Medicaid?
ï‚· What options will your long term care insurance policy cover?
ï‚· What happens at the end of a hospitalization or rehab stay when discharge is imminent?
ï‚· What resources are available to pay for services? Who is going to pay for what?
When choosing an Eldercare Consultant the following should be taken into consideration:
ï‚· Are they local or part of a larger company? Do they work alone or are they part of a team?
ï‚· What is their background? How many years have they been working with families in long term care? Do they have related certifications or degrees?
ï‚· How are they paid? Do they charge an hourly rate, or, more typically, are they free to seniors and their families as they are paid a referral fee from care providers?
ï‚· How many care providers/properties are they contracted with?
ï‚· Have they personally toured the properties they refer to? Can they tell you if the properties have any enforcement actions? A professional Eldercare Consultant will answer your questions regarding costs and explain how care is paid for, as well as what type of financial resources may be available. They will guide you through the clinical process from hospitalization and a stay in a rehabilitation facility, and advocate for your loved one’s personal preferences and desires. They will narrow your search from potentially hundreds of care options, to those that make the most sense for your personal situation.